January 27, 2023

Stephen~Class of 2023

Senior, Milestone

The Senior year is always an incredible milestone to reach, filled with the promise and excitement of leaving high school and beginning the next chapter in this great adventure we call life.

Every senior's journey is different, and I had a great time learning about Stephen's plans for his future after high school.

Stephen is a born and raised farm kid, and while sometimes being raised working on a farm can turn kids away from farming for good, Stephen is one of the ones that has grown to love the work. While he helps out in all aspects of the farm, the part that he is truly passionate about is the cattle business. Stephen shared that they will even travel out of state in order to purchase high quality cattle to bring home and fatten up for sale. I imagine he has already spent many long journeys in the truck to purchase and bring home livestock, and there is no doubt in my mind that he soaked up a great deal of wisdom during those trips.

Stephen is one of the lucky students that participates in work co-op for part of his schooling. I am so happy that schools now allow students to earn credits for work experience, because college is not for everyone. Being raised by two successful entrepreneurs myself, neither of whom attended college, I know that college is not a requirement for success! For students like Stephen, the co-op option allows them to grow and pursue real life education that can't be taught in a classroom. With his plans to work on the farm after graduation, the things he learns in co-op will certainly come into a great deal of use for him!

While wandering around his family farm for his Senior portraits, I found that Stephen while being a quiet person, was in his own way very proud of his farm. He had taken it upon himself to design the very unique hat that he wore for his portraits to represent his family farm. It's not everyday that you meet a young man passionate enough about something to design his own hat for it! It brought a smile to my face to meet an aspiring young person that was ready and willing to pursue the hard work that farm life is. We can never have too many farmers in the world and can certainly use more motivated young people like Stephen.

Stephen, thank you so much for allowing me to capture this special time in your life. I wish you the best of luck with your farm, and hope that with your care it can grow and succeed for many years to come!