When a family is filled with love, they share some of the strongest bonds together on the entire earth.
And when there are three generations of strong women in that family, they become one of the most beautiful and wonderfully tight knit groups there are.

These three ladies right here are three of my most favorite human beings in the whole wide world. They are all fearless, strong, independent, no nonsense kind of women (including the little one!) These three are also some of the most kind, loving, and caring people I know as well. It's no wonder Kelsey and I became such great friends in school and I quickly came to adore her mother, who I love to call Mama C. Our strong minded personalities may not be for everyone, but we certainly have no problems getting along with each other!

Watching Kelsey become a mother to little miss N, and Mama C become a grandma has definitely been a blessing. Miss N might still be too small to understand, but she is one very blessed little girl to be surrounded by all the love that her family showers her with. These three were so adorable to watch as they played and ran around the orchards! Little miss N just loved finding the dandelions and showing them off to her momma and her grandma. And as all mothers do, they both lit up with delight over her precious flowers.

We may have been a few months behind, but we still celebrated N being the big two year old! She is already a sassy little girl, just like her momma, determined to get the things that she wants in life. There is no doubt in my mind that with the help and guidance of her momma and grandma, she will do just that and so much more! Little girls always seem to know how to flash that super sweet smile that just melts everyone around them like butter, and boy does N have that down pat! She is just as cute as a button, and every time I see her I can't believe how much she has grown. It seems they always grow up way too fast!

My dear friends, I am so thankful that we got to spend some time playing in the orchards this year. Your smiles and laughter always bring joy to my heart, and I can't wait to see you three again!!