There are no greater bonds than the ones formed through years and generations of love and family.
Those families that are built and centered on love for one another, are some of the strongest, most enduring, and joyful ones there are. The Snyder family is the perfect example of just that kind of wonderful family.
This family showed how steadfast and determined they were to be together whenever possible before they even had a chance to have their portrait session with me. They initially planned to have their photos taken at the end of the year in 2020, but due to rising COVID-19 cases at that time, they opted to wait another trip around the sun. They didn't let it go by the wayside though, they persevered and made sure they made time to get together and capture these extra special portraits to preserve these memories forever.
While I try to treat all my clients equally, this was one situation where it was impossible for me to not pick favorites. I absolutely adored the elders of the family! These two love birds made the sweetest, most fun, and cute couple you could possibly meet! After all their years of marriage, you could still see a sparkle in their eyes when they gazed on one another, and they smiled and giggled like a young couple would on their wedding day. It was just the most sweet and tender interaction to watch unfold! I am sure they didn't get to this point in their lives by having an easy, carefree life together, but one that was full of ups and downs and struggles like every other couple faces in this world. In spite of all the world tries to throw at couples, these two chose each other, time and time again, and the strength of the love that grew from that showed all over their faces. The strength of their bond with one another is surely the glue that makes their family so strong. I have no doubt that a lot could be learned about love and relationships by sitting down with these two for an afternoon to listen to the stories of their lives together so far.
While both of the elders of this family were kind, joyful, and made great company, I was especially fond of the family patriarch. In the first five minutes of meeting him, I could just tell he brought tons of laughter to this family with his fun personality! He tried to act like so many pictures were a chore, but it was obvious that he was greatly enjoying the opportunity to ham it up in front of the camera! He greatly enjoyed bringing a smile to each and every one of his family members, from his lovely wife, to their great grandchildren. Every family needs someone in their family just like him to bring the joy and laughter out of everyone!
Snyder family, thank you so much for entrusting me with these special memories of this time in your lives. You were all an absolute joy to photograph and I hope to see you again soon!