While I cherish every single one of my clients that I serve, those that come back year after year become more precious as the time goes by.
Ezra and his family in particular are some of my absolute favorites to see each and every year!
After having the opportunity to assist in photographing his wonderful parents' wedding a few years ago, I have been blessed to photograph Ezra ever since he has been born. From his newborn photos to his second birthday, and so many amazing milestones and seasons in between, he is always a joy to see! I absolutely love being able to watch him grow up as time goes by, and his personality continues to shine through more and more.
For his second birthday, he was feeling a bit shy and there was a great deal of bribery and snacks involved in getting his birthday photos! Come to think of it, he's a pretty smart cookie for knowing how to work the system already! One thing I can always count on from his momma is that she will have a super fun idea in mind that fits where he is at in life perfectly. With his love for the clubhouse, it was only fitting that he have all the mouse themed things. She managed to find the most adorable outfit for him and he had his best bud Mickey along too!
Of course Ezra also loves his dump truck as much as he did at his first birthday, and for some added fun we got out my excavator for him to play with too. Being able to play during photos is always a winning number with kiddos! I loved that his momma also brought along his custom made blanket that he has been photographed with since he was a newborn. These will make for such fun memories as he gets older! Ezra always manages to make me laugh, and between his silly personality and his little dancing he did for us to his favorite tunes, he certainly had me giggling!
Ezra, it was an absolute joy to see you again this year for your second birthday. I always love seeing your sweet smile and I can't wait to see how much you have grown by the next time I see you!!