June 16, 2020

Dean turns TWO!!!


One of the most energetic and happy little boys growing up before my very eyes. Wandering around like he owns the place, checking everything out there is to see. With the biggest smile and the most infectious laughter that only a child as sweet as this can have. It seems impossible to think that he's already turning two years old.

Dean is one of my absolutely most favorite little dudes. He has the sweetest most wonderful family, and I have had the joy of knowing him from birth. He is always on the go, and he always makes sure that I get my steps in for the day (if I used one of those step trackers I would anyway!) and he always helps me grow and evolve as a photographer. I mean, there aren't many kiddos that I spend hours fussing over a set for their birthday, only to have them sit in it for five minutes and then want to go see the horses hah! He liked the chickens of course, and enjoyed the rabbits too, but this whole birthday set and sitting at it, just wasn't his style. But then again, that really never has been his style.

I think one of the things I love about this kid is he keeps me spontaneous and teaches me that in photography, sometimes you just have to go with the flow. We photographers tend to be very particular and in control of situations, Dean reminds me that sometimes I have to let go of control and just roll with it. So what if the light was perfect where I wanted to be taking photos, this little guy has other ideas and keeps me on my toes. I am always entertained when Dean comes to visit me, and I just adore him and his silly faces. He's one of the sweetest little kiddos, he loves to help, and he likes to climb on the tractors and act like he is driving them. He's just a happy go lucky kid that likes to be on the move all the time, I think he gets it from both of his parents to be honest.

So Dean, here's to your birthday celebration! I hope that two treats you well and you never have to sit still when you don't want to. I hope you never stop adventuring, being your happy, easy going self, and I hope you never lose that great smile of yours. I love watching you grow up little buddy, and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you.